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 Labvanced is a lab based research platform built for creating, sharing and running psychological studies. We have built this platform centered around the needs of psychologists, meaning that we provide highly accurate timing measures, a very powerful but intuitive graphical editor, and lots of experiment templates in our open access library ( Also, our code is open source on github: But what makes Labvanced really stand out against other solutions? For one, besides all standard features such as text, image, audio, and video presentation, we have built very advanced features. For instance: 

  • The option to create multi-participants experiments
  • Audio recordings
  • Webcam based eyetracking
  • Offline capabilities
  • Execute custom Javascript functions, 
  • Remote API access to connect with external devices or some other server
  • Options for longitudinal studies with automatic email invitation
  • and many many more

Second, all this functionality is built in to an intuitive study builder, so you can create all of that without writing a single line of code. Study creation is completely free and you can even record data for free, we are just limiting the amount per week, in the free tier

The new Labvanced server provides an excellent platform for psychological multi-participant and joint-action studies in which multiple participants can interact in real-time. A multi-user study allows multiple users that are on different computers to participate in the same study simultaneously and share state between them. Participants in the study are connected through a real-time network connection. Synchronization is achieved via exchange of variables. And a server-side handshake procedure prohibits race conditions and ensures common ground truth of states.

With the Labvanced visual study builder you can create a multi-user study or explore cooperative behavior, joint decision / joint action, create socio-economic games and much more, fast and smoothly without the need to do the difficult coding or calculations yourself. Participants in the study will be able to communicate and interact with each other and with the study’s stimuli through our server. With the websocket technology all the events can be synchronized and you will be able to have precise measurements and record data.

Also, we have a multi-user study example study in our open access library:

Labvanced compared to Millisecond and Qualtrics

Let’s start with a comparison to “Inquisit Web”. The most fundamental difference here, which is also the main advantage of Labvanced, is that Labvanced runs natively in any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari), and on any device (PC, Laptop, Mobile, Tablet) without the need for the participant to install a plugin. Most internet users and potential participants will not install the Inquisit plugin and hence with Labvanced you have access to a much larger audience / participant base with your experiment. The second main difference is that Labvanced offers a graphical UI editor to create your experiment, while still being able to implement the most advanced studies, with features, such as, automatic video audio presentation, audio (and soon also video) recordings, longitudinal studies, webcam based eyetracking, multi-participants experiments and much more. A third major advantage is that the Labvanced source code is open source  and we also have an open access library  with hundreds of existing studies where researchers freely share and import studies (for template use, or review for instance).  Also Labvanced offers live chat support and great email support with regards to the study implementation, in case there are any questions. 

Now what’s the main difference to Qualtrics? Qualtrics functionality is mainly focused around the creation of questionnaires. While slightly more complex use cases might be possible there, it is not comparable to what you can do with Labvanced. In particular with the Labvanced event system you can create the most sophisticated experiment logic, using array operations, variable changes as triggers to execute other events, advanced balancing mechanism (e.g. balance levels of one factor within each level of another factor), interactions between multiple participants in the same study, and much much more. In short, many studies can just not be realized with Qualtrics but with Labvanced they can. Finally, the points regarding being open source and providing a vast experiment library for templates are also advantages compared to Qualtrics. 

Of course there are many more differences in the details, but I hope this will give you a high level comparison of Labvanced compared to other platforms New Eye-Tracking Cutting Edge Technology

Labvanced has just released a cutting edge deep learning based eye tracking algorithm, which uses the webcam to track the gaze of participants. We are highly confident that not only is this much better than webgazer.js or other algorithms doing webcam based eye tracking, but we actually believe that the accuracy is good enough for at least 80-90% of eye tracking research, which is normally done in the lab. We made several demos, so please try and give us feedback about this approach. You can use these studies also as templates for your own eye tracking research on Labvanced (  Please note that this algorithm runs completely client side and no video data / face data will be stored on our system, so your privacy and your participants’ privacy is guaranteed!

  1. This is a performance test where the predicted gaze position will be displayed onto the screen, so you can test how good the prediction really is.
  2. This is a little game where you have to fixate objects to “destroy” them before they reach the bottom of the screen.

A few things to note: 

  • Calibration will currently take 7-8 minutes. We will cut this down over time to about 4-5 minutes.
  • It requires a decent computer/laptop, we will soon provide an initial “system check” to exclude people with too old equipment, or other reasons why it might not work.
  • Further improvements in accuracy will most likely be coming in the next months by leveraging larger training sets and improving drift correction.

 If you have any questions about our new Eye-Tracking technology, or if you are interested to use our platform, please email me, we will also be happy to provide a free demo via Google Meet at your convenience.

Leah Lee

Why do you choose to host your Psychological or UX study?

labvanced provides a totally integrated solution for your psychological or UX study, and that means:

1-Visual Study Builder (Great and easy to use interface for even complex studies).

2-Cutting edge eye tracking software is better than anything available in the market today.

3- Infant and children friendly Eye Tracking.

4- Over 25 stimuli types and more than 200 templates free to use

(Videos- Images- Audio- Text- Questionnaires- Websites- YouTube) and many more

5- Audio and video recording of the participant.

6- Games and Multi-users studies.

7-Multi-Language study (Ability to translate your study(including the static strings)into the language that you desire). 

8- Websocket Python Server: connect via websocket to external devices (Eye Tracking- EEG- Force Plates etc.)

9-Google Meet can be integrated with, and that gives you the ability to build a live video or text chat within your study.

10- Crowdsourcing.

And many more state-of-the-art features

Labvanced is easy to use with no need to code. So why do you waste your time in complex coding or with multiple hard to learn software programs? With  labvanced online study builder, you can build your study smoothly and in no time.

Our goal in Labvanced is to help the researcher who is using our platform as much as we can. So if you are thinking about bringing your research to We will be happy to have a meeting with you via Google Meet. If you are interested, contact Leah today via email or chat to schedule a meeting.

Leah Lee

Infant and child-friendly eye tracking system from

Labavanced has just released a new powerful tool for researchers in developmental cognitive psychology, studying gaze behavior in infants.

Monitoring the gaze can provide powerful insights into the development of cognitive, linguistic and social processes, but young participants create a number of challenges for eye tracking researchers – especially when the research should be carried out remotely out of the lab.

To address these challenges we developed a webcam based child-friendly eye tracking solution with astonishing results and features:

1-Cutting edge eye tracking software optimized for infants and children

2- Accuracy and precision using a regular computer webcam, with  close to lab results. 

3-Great and easy to use interface even for complex studies.

4- Over 25 stimuli types and more than 200 templates free to use

(Videos- Images- Audio- Text- Questionnaires- Websites- YouTube) and many more

5- Audio and video recording of the participant.

Our new algorithm is more accurate than anything that is available in the market today, and in a first demo study you can test the accuracy, and how well this suits your needs for infant research. Here is a link to it in the labvanced library:

If you want to implement a study with our infant friendly Eye-Tracking technology yourself, just sign up, build, and test everything for free. If you have any questions, please email me. We will also be happy to provide a free demo for interested labs and researchers.

Leah Lee

Why Do You choose LabVanced .com is the best choice for a researcher in the field of Child Psychology? has the best Infant and child-friendly eye tracking available in the market today, But does not offer only infant and child eye tracking. offers an integrated platform that provides a total solution for the researcher in the field of child psychology. 

Trusted and tested by many of the big universities and Labs around the world, is the best choice for a researcher in the field of Child Psychology. offers:

1- Best infant and child-friendly eye tracking available in the market today.

2- Easy to use visual study builder, that helps you build even the most complex studies in no time.

3- Audio and video recording of the subject

4- All the stimuli types that a researcher in the field of child psychology can think about.

And many more other features. has in its library already more than 50 published studies in the field of child psychology. These are a few of them, just as an example:

1- Multilingualism: Cognition- Language

2- Suchspiel Für Kinder 1.5 bis 3 Jahre : Attention- Learning and Memory- Developmental Psychology.

3- Eye Tunes: Auditory Perception- Visual Perception- Attention- Developmental Psychology

4- Children’s Communication Preferences: Biases- Auditory Perception

So if you are thinking about bringing your research to We will be happy to have a meeting with you via Google Meet. If you are interested, contact Leah today via email or chat to schedule a meeting.

Leah Lee The Best choice For Psychological Emotions Research:

Trusted and tested by many of the big universities and Labs around the world, is the best choice for a researcher who wants to study Psychological Emotions. offers:

1- Best Eye Tracking available in the market today.

2- Easy to use visual study builder, that helps you build even the most complex studies in no time.

3- Audio and video recording of the subject.

4- All the stimuli types that a researcher who wants to study Psychological Emotions can think about. 

5-Multi-Users studies and Games.

And many more other features. has in its library already more than 30 published studies about Psychological Emotions. These are a few of them, just as an example:

1- Emotions : Emotion- Learning And Memory- Language.

2- Vowel In Laughter : Emotion

3- Fühlen, Drinken, Handlen : Emotion- Cognition- Health

4- VOCES : Auditory Perception- Emotions

So if you are thinking about bringing your research to We will be happy to have a meeting with you via Google Meet. If you are interested, contact Leah today via email or chat to schedule a meeting.

Leah Lee The Best choice For Personality Research

Trusted and tested by many of the big universities and Labs around the world, is the best choice for a researcher who wants to study Personality. offers:

1- Best Eye Tracking available in the market today.

2- Easy to use visual study builder, that helps you build even the most complex studies in no time.

3- Audio and video recording of the subject.

4- All the stimuli types that a researcher who wants to study Personality can think about. 

5-Multi-Users studies and Games.

And many more other features. has in its library already more than 30 published studies about Personality. These are a few of them, just as an example:

1- Lingo : Cognition, Personality , Auditory Perception,

2- SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED: Attention, Decision Making, Personality

3- PELASP:  Auditory Perception, Personality

4- SCHREI, WENN DU KANNST! Emotion, Personality, Stress

So if you are thinking about bringing your research to We will be happy to have a meeting with you via Google Meet. If you are interested, contact Leah today via email or chat to schedule a meeting.

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